The World Economic Forum (WEF), a globalist, pro-“transhumanist” organization, stated this week that it will draft governance standards for the Metaverse, a virtual reality platform linked to the internet and run by Meta (formerly Facebook).
The annual meeting in Davos 2022 discussed how the World Economic Forum will govern the metaverse.
HIGH TIME 4 the ‘elites’ to form acting troupes in major cities and towns worldwide – – then they can continue to pretend the world worships them and longs for their eternal existence to enhance our well-being. Self-funded, these Broadway Style Productions would be a sort of ‘therapeutic cathartic group healing’ exercise at no cost to the general public. …….A ‘rave revue’ in the local gazette now and again would be most encouraging 4 the elites and take away any anxiety that no one attends their breath- taking daily performances. …… … shalom to all