According to a study spanning from 2011 to 2019 involving individuals aged 40 to 99, lifestyle changes such as exercise and deep sleep can contribute to a longer life.

Which Lifestyle Changes Can Make You Live Longer? 1

Our health and life expectancy can be significantly impacted by our lifestyle choices and behaviors. To illustrate just how much, a recently published study that tracked American veterans between the ages of 40 and 99 from 2011 to 2019 is being revealed.

According to a recent analysis by market research firm Numerator, Ozempic users have slashed snack buying at supermarkets.

According to mortality trends gathered from 719,147 veterans and lifestyle factors evaluated from 276,132, as Statista’s Katharina Buchholz explains below, being physically active reduced the sample population’s risk of death the greatest—by 46 percent—when compared to someone without any healthy habits and factors.

Which Lifestyle Changes Can Make You Live Longer? 2

The study used 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of intense exercise each week, as recommended by the Department of Health, as the cutoff point for participants to be considered physically active.

Avoiding smoking reduced mortality by thirty percent, while eating a diet high in plant-based foods lowered mortality by twenty-one percent. Here, it is advised to keep to eating only wholesome plant-based foods rather than any kind of food.

According to the study, avoiding frequent binge drinking and obtaining seven to nine hours of restorative sleep (without cutting into one’s regular sleep schedule) may reduce the risk of death by 18 and 19 percent, respectively. Positive social contact only slightly reduced the risk of death.

The study also demonstrates the compounding effects of mixing several lifestyle factors.

In the study group, adopting just one reduced the mortality risk by an average of 26%. Six virtuous practices even resulted in a 73 percent reduction. The factors of opioid addiction and depression/anxiety were also included in the study. Opioid disorder was ranked lower as a dangerous behavior than physical inactivity, with a decrease in mortality of 29 percent and 38 percent linked to being free of both.

There was an 87% reduction in death risk if all eight criteria were adopted or absent.

2 Responses

  1. i am late 70’s. I do not exercise and I have had Type 2 Diabetes for over 20 years, under strict control by drinking cordial and eating a lot of vegetable based meals – no alcohol or smoking ever and I am on pills only to manage my Diabetes – successfully, needless to say.
    I was obese when I got my Diabetes, but I have slimmed down, because of lack of enjoyable food choices, my length of life being more important than the other options open to me.
    I sleep on average about 4 or 5 hours nightly – I don’t need any more sleep than that and being retired, that leads to more time to sit around doing nothing, if that is what I want to do.
    So I disagree with the comments in this above article: The study used 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of intense exercise each week
    Shudder – what for?

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