In 2020, a major controversy erupted in Nigeria. Bill Gates was caught bribing the Nigerian government for a forced vaccination program. Now, that the move backfired and did not had its intended result, the WHO has been given $9 million by Canada to vaccinate Nigeria.

After Bill Gates Fails, WHO Gets $9 Million From Canada To Vaccinate Nigeria

Bill Gates Bribe to Nigeria

In 2020, based on an intercepted human intelligence report, a controversy erupted in Nigeria whereby it was revealed that Bill Gates offered $10 million bribe for a forced vaccination program for Coronavirus to the Nigerian House of Representatives.

The opposition political parties rejected the “foreign-sponsored Bill” mandating the compulsory vaccination of all Nigerians even when the vaccines had not been discovered at the time and demanded the Speaker be impeached if he forces the bill on members.

The Nigerian Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP), intercepted a human intelligence report that the Nigeria House of Representatives leadership was poised to forcefully pass the compulsory vaccine bill without subjecting it to the traditions of legislative proceedings.

You can watch the uproar in the Nigerian parliament in below video on Youtube.

Bill Gates denied the allegations and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation registered the denial in a memorandum submitted to an ad-hoc committee of the House investigating the issue.

Low Vaccination rates in Nigeria

Following the controversy, there was a major backlash from the Nigerian people and a worldwide condemnation (obviously, not reported by the mainstream media). It resulted in very low vaccination rates in Nigeria.

A recent study conducted by the University of Essex, London and the University of Warwick, Coventry in the UK concluded that Nigeria has a vaccine acceptance rate of below 60%.

According to the data obtained from the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), the number of fully vaccinated individuals was 9.8 per cent as of March 19, 2022, and health experts are concerned that the country will not meet the 70 per cent target by June 2022 if drastic action is not taken. Similarly, global data indicated that only 13% of the Nigerian population had been fully vaccinated as of June 18, 2022.

Nigeria is one of the lowest vaccinated country in the world

Furthermore, studies conducted in Northern Nigeria reported that acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine was less than optimal among adults in the metropolitan area of Kano. Also, a cross-sectional survey conducted at a Nigerian university in the eastern part of Nigeria reported a COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy rate of 65.04%.

Impossible Vaccine Target

Nigeria has a large stockpile of out-of-date vaccines which has gone unused. This could be as many as one million doses according to the Reuters news agency. The health ministry says all expired vaccines have been withdrawn and will be destroyed.

This low vaccination rate has been troubling the Big Pharma Industrial Complex for a while now. Bill Gates echoes his concerns in an article sponsored in the Guardian – Nigeria unlikely to reach ‘impossible’ 40% Covid vaccine target.

So, Bill Gates had a closed door meeting with the Nigerian President last month and promised $7 billion for Africa for vaccination.

Watch the video of the close-door meeting on Youtube.

I suspect the close-door meeting didn’t discuss what actually was the impact of the Polio vaccination program in Africa.

According to a peer reviewed study published in a respected journal by the world’s most authoritative vaccine scientists, Bill Gates DTP vaccine killed 10 times more African girls than the disease itself. The vaccine apparently compromised their immune systems. Although, such study was never performed before 2017, Bill Gates and the Vaccine Alliance GAVI and WHO pushed the vaccines on unsuspecting African babies.

Canada to Vaccinate Nigeria

A month after Bill Gates visit to Nigeria, the WHO has received $9 million from the Government of Canada to vaccinate Nigeria. The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced its acceptance of a $9.3 million grant from the Canadian government to aid 15 states in Nigeria with the lowest COVID-19 vaccination rates.

Walter Mulombo, the WHO country representative, made this announcement during the launch of Canada’s global initiative for vaccine equity (CanGIVE) grant in Abuja on Wednesday.

The grant will be allocated to the following states: Benue, Kogi, Taraba, Katsina, Kebbi, Anambra, Ebonyi, Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Delta, Edo, Rivers, Lagos, Ogun, and Ondo.

In his statement, Mulombo emphasized that the funds will be instrumental in promoting gender-responsive, equity-based, and human rights-focused interventions. The aim is to ensure that the “leaving no one behind” agenda is successfully implemented throughout the country.

“The timely arrival of this grant will significantly enhance the vaccination coverage and uptake among priority populations in alignment with the WHO SAGE roadmap on the usage of COVID-19 vaccines,” stated the country representative.

Mulombo highlighted that presently, 14 states in Nigeria have vaccination coverage of less than 50 percent among their target population.

Vaccination Punishment Program

Bill Gates funded and British led GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) has created a system called “Performance based funding” whereby they financially punish nations based on their compliance or non-compliance to vaccination programs.

2 Responses

  1. Get rid of the spammers before I post anything substantial in this comment page!

  2. Philantrope my ass! Gates is nothing more than a quack looking for research objects for his gene drive crap!

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