A WHO driver carrying Coronavirus samples has been shot dead in Myanmar. The World Health Organization (WHO) vehicle carrying coronavirus test samples came under attack, leaving the driver dead and a government official seriously injured.

WHO Driver Carrying Coronavirus Samples Shot Dead in Myanmar
Pyae Sone Win Maung. WHO Driver Carrying Coronavirus Samples Shot Dead in Myanmar

The WHO confirmed that Pyae Sone Win Maung died of his injuries after the attack in the Minbya township in the north-western state of Rakhine. Reuters reported that the vehicle had come under gunfire.

Pyae Sone Win Maung was driving a well-marked United Nations vehicle when it was hit by gunfire in Rakhine State. The UN says dozens of civilians have been killed as fighting between the military and the armed ethnic Arakan Army group escalated in recent weeks.

The two sides have blamed each other for the WHO driver’s death. Both the military in Myanmar (also called Burma) and the Arakan Army deny being involved. Myanmar’s Maj-Gen Tun Tun Nyi, a military spokesman, said his forces had no reason to attack the UN vehicle.

According to a post on Facebook, the marked vehicle was travelling from Sittwe to Yangon bringing Covid-19 surveillance samples “in support of the Ministry of Health and Sports”.

The UN did not say who carried out the shooting, which also left a government employee injured.

The ongoing crisis in Myanmar including tensions between Buddhist and Muslim communities and the military crackdown by Myanmar Army and police is a multidimensional crisis with major geopolitical players involved.

As per the report Dmitry Mosyakov, director of the Centre for Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the conflict “was apparently fanned by external global players” and “has at least three dimensions”.

“First, this is a game against China, as China has very large investments in Arakan Rakhine. Second, it is aimed at fuelling Muslim extremism in Southeast Asia…. Third, it’s the attempt to sow discord within ASEAN between Myanmar and Muslim-dominated Indonesia and Malaysia.”

It is a globalist management policy to sow discord in nations by fuelling regional conflicts which allows them to exert pressure on those nations and ultimately gain control over their sovereignty. A recent example is the Ukrainian Crisis and the Greek Crisis before that. When the flames are out and the country ravaged with the crisis, it is time for the vultures to descend.

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