The images of a woman in saffron clothes, gold (or golden coloured) jewellery, rudraksh and a head gear, speaking at a United Nations event, claiming to be the representative of self-styled godman and rape-accused Nithyananda and his “country”, got the Indian internet talking.

Speaking at a meeting of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) in Geneva last week, the woman introduced herself as Vijayapriya Nithyananda, the “permanent ambassador to the UN from the sovereign state of Shri Kailasa”.

She is referred to as “Ma Vijayapriya Nithyananda” by Kailasa on Twitter.

According to her LinkedIn profile, Vijayapriya completed her Bachelor of Science in Microbiology from Canada’s University of Manitoba in 2014. She is proficient in English, French, Creole and Pidgins.

At college, she claims to have been on the dean’s honour list for “outstanding academic performance”. She has also received international undergraduate student scholarship in 2013 and 2014.

“Kailasa is the first sovereign state for Hindus, established by the supreme pontiff of Hinduism, Nithyanand Paramashivam, who is reviving the enlightened Hindu civilisation and its 10,000 indigenous traditions of Hinduism, including the Adi Shaivite indigenous agricultural tribes for which the supreme pontiff of Hinduism is the leader as well,” Vijayapriya Nithyananda said when it was her turn to speak at the UN meet, a video of which has been posted on the United Nations website.

If you’re interested in knowing more on the topic, read more about it here.

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