Using data from the Union of Concerned Scientists, the article below reveals who owns the most satellites.

Who Owns The Most Satellites? 1

The Earth is orbited by about 7,000 satellites that provide critical tasks including communication, navigation, and scientific research.

More than 150 launches of new instruments into space were made in 2022 alone, and many more are anticipated during the next ten years.

But whose property is this? The pioneers in satellite technology are highlighted in this graphic by Bruno Venditti and Miranda Smith of Visual Capitalist using data from the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Who Owns The Most Satellites? 2

SpaceX’s Dominance in Space

Elon Musk’s SpaceX is without a doubt the industry leader, and it now manages the largest fleet of satellites in orbit (approximately 50% of all satellites in orbit worldwide).

The corporation runs hundreds of internet-beaming Starlink spacecraft that provide worldwide internet access and has already completed 62 missions this year, more than any other company or country.

Customers of Starlink are given a miniature satellite dish that automatically adjusts to line up with the company’s low-Earth orbit satellites.

Who Owns The Most Satellites? 3
Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding.

British OneWeb Satellites, a less well-known business, comes in second. The corporation, which has its headquarters in London, offers high-speed internet services to governments, companies, and communities. The UK government is one of its investors.

OneWeb uses SpaceX to launch its satellites, similar to many other satellite operators.

Despite Starlink’s supremacy in the sector, the business will soon have to contend with fierce competition. To counter SpaceX’s network, Amazon’s Project Kuiper intends to launch 3,236 satellites by 2029. As early as 2024, the first of the fleet might take off.

According to a German scientist, Dirk Schulze-Makuch, NASA destroyed life on Mars 50 years ago when it dispatched two Viking landers to Mars.

The Rise of China’s Space Program

Governments possess the second-largest percentage of satellites circling the Earth after the leading commercial firms. When all satellites owned by companies and government agencies are included, the United States continues to have the most overall.

In 2022, American spending on space projects surpassed $62 billion, five times that of China.

However, China has accelerated its space program over the past 20 years and presently has the most satellites in orbit that are owned by government organizations. The majority of them are employed in communications, defense, and technological advancement as well as Earth observation.

Satellite Demand to Rise Over the Decade

One in three individuals globally has never used the internet, despite it being taken for granted in large cities and industrialized nations.

In addition, commercial space enterprises are anticipated to benefit significantly from the rising data demand and the development of new, more affordable satellite technology.

According to this scenario, during the following ten years, satellite demand is expected to triple.

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