According to, glaciologist Evgeny Podolskiy and his team of researchers have discovered the reason why Mount Everest makes seriously terrifying sounds at night. The sounds are caused by significant dips in temperature after dusk, which cause ice to shatter.

Breathtaking Mount Everest has captivated scientists and mountaineers for many years.

However, one of its most troubling traits has largely gone unexplored.

After sunset, the mountain’s peak’s surrounding high-altitude glaciers erupt with seriously terrifying noises.

The cause of those unsettling noises has been discovered by researchers under the direction of glaciologist Evgeny Podolskiy.

Let’s take a look.

Why Mount Everest makes eerie noises?

After spending more than a week hiking in the Nepalese Himalayas in 2018 to test the seismic activity of the Trakarding-Trambau Glacier system there, the team was able to identify the source of the sounds, according to

The glaciologist Evgeny Podolskiy and his team of researchers discovered that the high-altitude glaciers’ chorus of smashing and breaking noises is caused by significant dips in temperature after dusk, which cause ice to shatter.

Researchers spent over three weeks freezing on the glacier in plain view of Mount Everest, unaware of what was creating the nocturnal sounds, reported Dailymail.

Mystery Mountain Why does Mount Everest make seriously terrifying sounds at night
The study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters suggests local ice turns out to be extremely sensitive to this rapid rate of change. Pixabay

However, when they returned to sea level and looked at seismographic data, they were able to establish that the extreme cold was the cause.

Building on a broad corpus of research into the behaviour of glaciers as the effects of climate change continue to warm the earth, their research was some of the first to indicate such a large quantity of seismic activity caused by the thermal fracturing within the ice.

Expedition leader Dave Hahn, who has climbed Everest 15 times, described hearing strange noises as he and other climbers were resting at night, including “ice and rock crashing down in various places around the valley.” ‘It’s tough to sleep,’ he added.

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