A US woman who was part of a clinical trial run by AstraZeneca has sued the company with Vaccine Injury. Brianne Dressen sues AstraZeneca for breaking a contract with her by refusing to pay for the necessary medical care to treat her injury.

Woman With Vaccine Injury In Clinical Trial Sues AstraZeneca 1

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AstraZeneca was sued on May 13 by an American lady who was injured by the COVID-19 vaccination. The woman claimed that AstraZeneca had broken a contract by refusing to pay for the necessary medical care to treat her injury.

Preschool instructor in Utah Brianne Dressen sent an email to The Epoch Times saying, “They left us no choice.”

Per the case filed in federal court in her native state, Ms. Dressen has paid tens of thousands of dollars for medications to address her nervous system condition and other problems.

In 2020, Ms. Dressen decided to take part in a clinical study run by AstraZeneca because she wanted to support the firm as it developed the COVID-19 vaccine. AstraZeneca promised to “pay the costs of medical treatment” and “cover the costs of research injuries,” according to a portion of the consent form she completed.

With these reassurances should something go wrong, Bri signed the form, rolled up her sleeve, and let the drug company inject the experimental product into her arm. Her mind was at peace, as Bri believed she was doing the right thing for her country, her students, and her family,” the suit states.

Ms. Dressen soon began to have symptoms, such as nausea, tinnitus, and impaired vision. Later on, she had heart rate spikes and developed an extraordinary sensitivity to light.

Ms. Dressen visited several physicians to diagnose herself and obtain therapy.

According to documents seen by The Epoch Times, Ms. Dressen was diagnosed with “post-vaccine neuropathy” by US specialists at the National Institutes of Health in 2021.

The bills for the prescription medications and doctor appointments soon started to mount. Just the immunoglobulin that government physicians suggest costs $9,909.82 each month.

According to the lawsuit, Ms. Dressen and her spouse, a chemist with the U.S. Army, kept Velocity, the company’s trial manager, and AstraZeneca informed of the mounting expenses.

According to the lawsuit, the family messaged Velocity on January 15, 2021, with the first set of treatment payment records, but they never heard back. “Asking about any updates on this. When can we anticipate payment?” A few weeks later, Ms. Dressen’s husband, Brian Dressen, wrote.

I am sorry you have not heard anything as of yet. Hopefully I get an answers [sic] soon. I will reach out again today,” a Velocity official responded.

The family was left without any money, so they had to remortgage their house.

“I’d like to know when we can expect the first payment on Brianne Dressen’s medical bills? Two months since submitting…“ Mr. Dressen wrote on March 18, 2021. The Velocity official said that she was ”forwarding on” the payment records.

“Hey this is Brianne Dressen. Can you advocate a bit for us here help us get a timeline for payment? I am still not doing well, we have had to hire for after school childcare. We really need this money,“ Ms. Dressen wrote on March 24, 2021. The official said the following day she would be escalating the issue and did not understand ”why it is taking so long.”

Months passed throughout the back and forth, with Ms. Dressen receiving no payment in return.

Woman With Vaccine Injury In Clinical Trial Sues AstraZeneca 2
Brianne Dressen in New York on Jan. 6, 2023. (Jack Wang/The Epoch Times)

Velocity called the Dressens and informed them that a payment of $590.20 would be made following a July 13, 2021, report on Ms. Dressen’s case by a local television station.

The company made the payment and announced that it was in communication with AstraZeneca about the authorization of supplementary capital.

The official provided Ms. Dressen a statement to sign in December 2021, which stated, among other things, that she would accept $1,243 in exchange for renouncing any further claims to payment.

The Dressens said no to the offer because they found it offensive.

AstraZeneca staff started getting in touch with the Dressens directly in March 2022 and asking for their billing and medical records.

On August 12, 2022, a representative wrote that the firm was awaiting provider medical records to evaluate the claims. On September 26, 2022, the representative announced that all of the medical records had been received.

The lawsuit claims that AstraZeneca and Velocity never got in touch with the Dressens again.

“I did everything they asked of me. I honored my obligations to them. They have not honored any. When they needed me, I was there, I cooperated. When I needed them, they were nowhere to be found,” Ms. Dressen said in a statement.

The lawsuit recognizes that the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, which shields manufacturers from responsibility in most situations, covers COVID-19 vaccinations both then and now. The corporations are accused of violating both contract and duty in the lawsuit. It requests damages for prejudgment interest, attorney fees, medical costs, mental distress, and lost income, among other costs.

Ms. Dressen is requesting a trial by jury.

When contacted for comment, Velocity did not provide one. AstraZeneca did not return an inquiry.

In the US, AstraZeneca’s vaccine was never approved for usage outside of clinical trials.

Due to low demand, the UK-based business stated earlier this month that it is discontinuing the vaccination. The disclosure was made several months after it was discovered that the injection may result in thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, a condition marked by low platelet counts and blood clots.

The shot manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, which likewise produces the syndrome and was cleared for use in the US, was taken off the market in 2023.

Recently, GreatGameIndia reported that, according to data provided by Services Australia to The Epoch Times, over $13 million has been paid out in vaccine injury claims in Australia.

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