Dr. Vandana Shiva, the Founder and President of Navdanya, Technology and Natural Resource Policy who was awarded the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’ explains how the World Bank is waging a war against Indian farmers.

World Bank Waging War Against Indian Farmers - Dr. Vandana Shiva

She discusses the recent avalanche in Uttarakhand which has left hundreds missing and the causes behind it, how the World Bank’s actions in the 1991 was arguably the start of the war between Indian farmers and global capitalism, why India’s farmers are organising en masse to oppose India’s neoliberal farming laws, 1 in 4 farmers on Earth being Indian, multinational farming corporations and their war on India’s independent farmers, the history of the spread of GMO technology such as ‘Roundup’, why a transition away from industrial farming back to small-scale farming is needed to fight climate change and much more!

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3 Responses

  1. This is old news. Some 300 million farmers commit suicide each year because they cannot make a profit due to the globalization and lies of the U.N. and its many tentacles including the World Bank and IMF. Most of the truth of the goals of the U.N., the last sea (of people) beast kingdom is found in not only the pages of the KJV bible but also in the book: “What Really Makes You ILL? why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong”. Go read it even though it is some 753 pages, you will find that you will not be able to put it down. Chapter 9 is relative to the NWO and globalization. ALL of it is the efforts of those whom Jesus took the kingdom from in Matt 21:43, cast them out in Matthew 15 and 23 and giving them 8 woes (judgments) and called them out as liars and the synaGOGue of Satan in Rev. 2:9 and 3:9. Who are they?
    Who are the puppet masters many call the ‘elites’ which also entails the minions or ‘useful idiots’ as the real puppet masters call them. Who are the real puppet masters?
    I have done a lot of historical research of their own documentations and bible study to find out who the people are who have been controlling this world in wickedness; creating this free slave world in which we all now live in a debt based, fiat economic system and you can read about them here; if you care to and if you do, read to the end to learn all of the truth. It is slow going in the beginning because the ground work had to be laid so you will understand how it all ties together; be patient it will be worth your time. tinyurl.com/matrixofgog

  2. Biden just passed an executive order that stops children from inheriting family farms…
    This war on farming is world-wide…
    Control the food and water, control the people…

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