Surgeons at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, a leader in uterus transplants, revealed that the world’s first baby was born from a robot-transplanted uterus.

A baby boy carried in a uterus implanted into his mother by a robot was born in a world first.

The youngster, who has not been named, weighed six pounds and 13 ounces when he was born via planned C-section in Sweden last month. Both the child and his 35-year-old mother are doing well.

The pregnancy was made possible when a family member agreed to donate their uterus to the mother, who then had a fertilized egg implanted into it via IVF. The case marks the first time robots have been used for the procedure.

It will give hope to the tens of thousands of American women who don’t have a uterus — which can be due to cancer or a medical condition — or have one unable to carry infants.

Surgeons used robots to help carry out the surgery in Sweden, which are less invasive and reduce the risk of developing an infection

The case was revealed by surgeons at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, a leader in uterus transplants.

In the surgery, researchers began by removing the uterus in the donor by gradually cutting it away from blood vessels and pulling it out through the vagina.

Small incisions were made in the second patient’s side by the pelvis, and the uterus was implanted into them. It was connected to their blood vessels and vagina.

Surgeons inserted cameras and robotic arms with surgical instruments attached through the small entry holes in the lower belly to carry out the procedure — with the robotic arms being the first for this type of surgery.

The arms were steered via joysticks, with surgeons using consoles to see 3D images of the patient’s insides simultaneously. 

This method is less invasive than the standard uterus transplant, which involves opening up larger openings in patients.

It is also thought to reduce the risk of infections, hemorrhages and allow patients to return to their daily lives faster.

Prof. Polina Stepensky, head of the department at Hadassah-University Medical Center in Jerusalem, Israel, has announced a groundbreaking treatment for multiple myeloma cancer. The treatment has a 90% success rate.

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5 Responses

  1. I can see trans women (i.e. biological men) queuing up for this op, fuelling the gender -bending gravy train. They are already able, via medical intervention, to produce imitation milk for breastfeeding.

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