YouTube has been fined 100,000 euros by the German Higher Regional Court at Dresden after it wrongly deleted a user’s video which showed massive pandemic lockdown protests in Switzerland – and then failed to reinstate the video ‘immediately’ after the court ordered it to do so on April 20.

YouTube Fined 100,000 Euros By German Court For Censoring Pandemic Protest Footage

Instead, the company waited nearly a month to revive the video, which led to last week’s fine, issued on July 5th, according to

Lawyer Joachim Steinhöfel, who represents the account operator, considers the court’s decision to be a guideline for freedom of expression on the Internet.

“With the historically high fine, the Higher Regional Court makes it very clear that court decisions must be observed without restriction, regardless of whether YouTube assumes a violation of its guidelines or not,” said Steinhöfel to

YouTube, however, doesn’t seem phased. A spokesman told WELT, “We have a responsibility to connect our users with trustworthy information and to combat misinformation during Covid-19. This is a decision on a case-by-case basis that we respect and will review accordingly.”

The protest video was deleted at the end of January, with YouTube citing its “Policy on medical misinformation about COVID-19,” however the court rejected their reasoning, concluding in part that the company’s amended guidelines had not been sufficiently conveyed to the account operator – and that a literal amendment to the user agreement is required for this. The mere indication that changes may occur surrounding their COVID-19 policies is not enough.

Big Tech has been aggressively working to censor any information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic which goes against the mainstream narrative.

Meanwhile, a so-called independent fact-checker website was exposed to be funded by the same $1.9 billion vaccine lobby group that it is supposed to check. The site is a Facebook partner whose articles are used to censor critical voices on the social media platform. It is headed by the former CDC director, which is again a conflit of interest.

In a shocking revelation came to light that Google and USAID funded research conducted by Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance – a controversial group which has openly collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on “killer” bat coronavirus research – for over a decade.

The Pentagon uses world’s largest ‘secret army’ of 60,000 undercover operatives unofficially known as Signature Reduction to carry out ‘domestic & foreign’ operations while also infiltrating and manipulating social media.

In a move against this Big Tech censorship of free speech, Poland is planning to make censoring of social media accounts illegal.

“Algorithms or the owners of corporate giants should not decide which views are right and which are not,” said the prime minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki. “There can be no consent to censorship.”

In another move to protect the native news industry from tech giants, Australia had ordered Google and Facebook to share revenue with local media for news content or pay $10M fine.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said that Facebook has attacked the sovereign nation of Australia and that his government will not be intimidated by Facebook’s threats. Meanwhile, other nations from around the world have join in sparking a global war against the threats from Big Tech.

3 Responses

  1. If you are going to control the world you have to control the information….

    “The Central Intelligence Agency has awarded its long-awaited Commercial Cloud Enterprise, or C2E, contract to five companies—Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google, Oracle and IBM.”

    Merkal former East German communist Jew will see to it that censorship returns to Germany….once a commie always a commie….its all about control…..they haven’t replaced the courts with commie insiders yet ….like they have in ” diversified” USA.

    Obviously not a fan of ” Mutti”.👎

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  3. Fine needs to be 100million$+!!This fine is laughable as fugbuk makes ?$$$$$? A day as sheep keep sheeping and Submit to its Rothschild overlords.

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