The former Vice President of Zambia, Dr. Nevers Mumba has declared that COVID-19 vaccines made by foreign manufacturers should not be injected into any Zambians if it cannot be verified and validated by local Zambian scientists. He asked, how do we know that the injection that was made for President Biden, is the same vaccine that was given to Zambia. He also said that he himself will not take the experimental vaccine and nor family unless established safe by Zambian scientists.

Zambia Must Not Inject Foreign COVID-19 Vaccines If Not Verified By Local Scientists Says Ex Vice President

The former Vice President of Zambia, Dr. Nevers Mumba, has said that the COVID-19 vaccines should be verified and validated by Zambians before being distributed throughout the country.

“We shall die like fools if we have a government which is corrupt and is only waiting to be given money by the international community.”

“Zambia must not inject any vaccine in any Zambian body, before strenuous verification and validation is done to this vaccine.”

“No injection should be inserted into the body of any Zambian.”

“We must declare that the vaccine is unsafe until it is scientifically proved to be safe; not by the Americans, like I said, not by the Russians, not by the Europeans. But declared safe by our own scientists and our own doctors.”

“I hear somebody saying where we gonna get scientists and doctors? Well if you can’t verify what is given to you, by your own people, then I suggest that you don’t get involved in touching things that are made by others.”

“Because then you can be poisoned and we all would die like fools.”

“Like Martin Luther King Junior said “if we are ignorant and we don’t want to know what we eat and what we inject in our bodies or ingest in our bodies, then we do not have sovereignty and we are not a state. We are now called ‘Banana republic’.”

“But I believe that we got some of the most educated scientists in this country and doctors who must be trusted to dissect the constitution of this vaccine and ensure that it is right and fit for our people.”

“We may be poor, but we are not stupid. We can read on the right of the vaccine that it is not for distribution in the United States and this can’t be used in EU or this vaccine can not be used in Europe. That even tells you that it is not for us.”

“Because they got some of the sub-standard stuff that they make for us.”

“How do you know that the injection that was made for President Biden, is the same vaccine that is coming here. You didn’t check it when they put it on him. You didn’t compare that vaccine to the vaccine you received.”

“You can watch it on CNN that even President Biden got the dosage of it. Are you sure? Did you see it? Did you get the drop analyzed that it is the same drop injecting into an Africans body?”

“I think we need to be more responsible. Corrupt governments, those who are looking for the money from the west are going to kill their people like fools.”

“We shall die like fools if we have a government which is corrupt and is only waiting to be given money by the international community.”

“We should never accept everything that comes to us without verifying it ourselves.”

“So I shall now debate myself on our reservations of the privileged information that we hold about the coming vaccine.”

“I think I shall leave that out, I shall not deal with it. Suffice to say that I would not inject it into my body, my children’s or those I love or happens to be our Zambians.”

“This position can only change if it is established by ourselves that the vaccine is safe.”

Similar concerns were also raised recently by Czech Microbiologist Soňa Peková who also admitted that she would not be vaccinated.

She claimed in an interview that the coronavirus strain which caused the 2nd and the 3rd wave was artificially engineered.

According to her, the COVID-19 vaccine may not work for the British coronavirus mutation, and that it is not certain what the vaccine will do in five to ten years.

Even the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg said that COVID-19 vaccines will change your DNA and that he does not know what would be its long-term effects.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, according to pharma giant Moderna itself, the COVID-19 mRNA based experimental vaccines being approved for emergency use for the first time in history are Operating System designed to program human DNA.

Moreover, a group of researchers in the The Lancet medical journal have warned that  Covid-19 vaccines currently in development could increase the risk of acquiring HIV, potentially leading to an increase in infections.

Australia had to scrap their billion dollar coronavirus vaccine project after participants tested positive for HIV.

Meanwhile, American federal officials are investigating COVID-19 vaccine recipients who developed the rare blood disorder thrombocytopenia, with at least several cases resulting in death.

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One Response

  1. Biden on hot mic…”I don’t know what I’m signing ( referring to executive orders)….response from somewhere in the room….” just sign it”.

    Enough said.

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