China Caught Smuggling 10,800 Assault Weapons Parts Into Louisville By US Customs

China Caught Smuggling 10,800 Assault Weapons Parts Into Louisville By US Customs

China has been caught smuggling 10,800 Assault Weapons parts into Louisville by US Customs and Border Protection officers. The shipment arriving from Shenzhen, China, and destined for a residence in Melbourne, Florida was seized on May 22. The parcel was manifested as containing 100 Steel Pin Samples – a common practice used by smugglers for […]

INTERVIEW: Black Lives Matter Mobilizing Highly Trained Military Arm For War On Police

INTERVIEW Black Lives Matter Mobilizing Highly Trained Military Arm For War On Police

Black Lives Matter (BLM) has declared war on the police and has released a blueprint for Black Panther style armed ‘patrols’ monitoring police officers on the streets. BLM’s leader revealed in an exclusive interview that they are mobilizing a highly-trained military arm. The group held a conference in Los Angeles with ‘military advisors’ charting out […]

Plan To Disband Minneapolis Police Department In The Aftermath Of George Floyd’s Death

Plan to disband Minneapolis Police Department in the aftermath of George Floyd’s Death

In the aftermath of the unfortunate death of George Floyd during arrest by the cops, the Minneapolis City Council members have announced a historic plan to disband the Minneapolis Police Department. Nine members of the Minneapolis City Council on Sunday announced they intend to defund and dismantle the city’s police department following the police killing […]

COURT DOCUMENTS: George Floyd Profile Reads Like A Career Criminal

Court Documents George Floyd Profile Reads Like A Career Criminal

The unfortunate death of George Floyd which sparked a Civil War like atmosphere in America has now snowballed into worldwide protests. All four officers involved have now been suspended, arrested and charged. Floyd had moved to Minneapolis after being released from Texas prison for aggravated robbery. He was under the influence of fentanyl and methamphetamine […]

The Plot Against America – Secret History Of ANTIFA & British Intelligence

Secret History Of ANTIFA & British Intelligence

With the unfortunate death of George Floyd by the Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin, America has been plunged into a Civil War by the anarchist organization Antifa. Much has been written about the group, however Antifa’s ties to the British intelligence is a closely guarded secret. From glorifying a British war criminal to bomb innocent […]

Abdul Nasser Qardash – Iraqi Intelligence Capture New ISIS Leader

Abdul Nasser Qardash - Iraqi Intelligence Capture New ISIS Leader

US President Donald Trump in October 2019 announced that former ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had been killed as a result of a US military operation. Iraqi intelligence announced on Wednesday that an alleged successor to ex-ISIS leader al-Baghdadi had been arrested, according to a report by Ashaq al Awsat. According to the INA news agency, […]

Venezuela Sues Bank Of England For Refusing Its Gold

Venezuela Sues Bank Of England For Refusing Its Gold

Weeks after Venezuelan intelligence crushed a secret plot to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro, now Venezuela has sued the Bank of England for refusing to give back its Gold. President Nicolas Maduro has also announced that Venezuela will sue US in International Criminal Court (ICC) for severe damage caused by the economic sanctions. Venezuela’s Central Bank has […]

The Secret Plot To Overthrow Venezuela

The Failed Plot to Overthrow Venezuela

Venezuelan intelligence has crushed a secret plot to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro funded by US billionaires and organised by the former security chief of British billionaire Richard Branson, an ex-Green Beret running the private security firm Silvercorp USA, in Florida. The ringleader, retired Venezuelan General Cliver Alcalá, is now jailed in the US as one […]

Pakistan Intelligence Assassinate Journalist In Sweden

Pakistan Intelligence Assassinate Journalist In Sweden

Last month an unidentified body was found in a Swedish river. The body has been identified by Swedish police as the founder of the Balochistan Times. It is suspected the journalist was abducted from a train and assassinated by Pakistan intelligence for exposing Government atrocities on the Baloch people. Last month an unidentified body was […]

1994 Surat Plague – A Forgotten Case Of Bioterrorism

1994 Surat Plague – A Forgotten Case Of Bioterrorism

The plague outbreak in the western Indian city of Surat in 1994 has been mired in controversy just as COVID-19. The origin of the outbreak is still a mystery. Indian defense establishment believes the 1994 Surat Plague is a case of bioterrorism. Numerous media outlets at the time reported the involvement of American Center of […]