Coca Cola Accused Of Funding Colombian Death Squad

Coca Cola Accused Of Funding Colombian Death Squad

Coca Cola was accused of funding Colombian Death Squad between 1990 and 2002 to kill at least 10 trade union leaders. U.S.-based Coca-Cola company along with more than 50 other companies were accused by Colombian courts of financing terrorism for their ties to the now-disbanded paramilitary organization, United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, a fact trade […]

Did Mossad Secretly Fund Hamas

Did Mossad secretly Fund Hamas

On Saturday, Israeli media reported that Mossad chief Yossi Cohen and Maj. Gen. Herzl Halevi, head of the Israel Defence Force’s Southern Command, traveled to Doha to ask Qatar to continue funding Hamas, the Palestinian militant and political group which Tel Aviv formally classifies as a terrorist group. The revelation raises an uncomfortable question – […]

Stolen Tirumankai Alvar Idol Found In British Museum

Stolen Tirumankai Alvar Idol found in British Museum

The idol of Tirumankai Alvar stolen from a temple in Tamil Nadu has been found in a British Museum. The idol was bought by the museum from the infamous auction house Sotheby’s involved in the smuggling and selling of world heritage including India. The Indian government has asked the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford to return […]

Chinese Army’s Ties To U.S. Money

Chinese Army's Ties To U.S. Money

What have Russian mobsters, Chinese intelligence agencies, Colombian drug lords, and the notorious international terrorist Osama Bin Laden to do with the California Public Employees Retirement System or the California Department of Transportation? – Chinese Army’s ties to U.S. money. Note: This is the author’s text of an article that appeared in the June 2000 […]

12 Unanswered Questions On Pulwama Attack 2019

Pulwama Attack 2019

Based on our extensive analysis of the Pulwama attack below are just 12 critical questions that still remain unanswered. A yr after Pulwama,12 critical questions that cast doubt on the official version of the attack remain unanswered. This is even more important in light of the blue eyed boy of Govt, DSP Davinder Singh of […]

Hafiz Saeed Sentenced, David Headley Pardoned

Hafiz Saeed Sentenced David Headley Pardoned

The Pakistan anti-terror court in Lahore has sentenced Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist Hafiz Saeed for terror financing. However, not many Indians may know that in December 2015, India secretly pardoned the real terror mastermind of 2008 Mumbai Attacks, David Headley. Hafiz Saeed Sentenced A Pakistani anti-terrorism court has sentenced Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, the founder of the Lashkar-e-Taiba […]

CIA TIPOFF: Pakistani Agent Caught Smuggling Fake Indian Currency

CIA TIPOFF - Pakistani Agent caught smuggling fake Indian currency

Based on a tip by the CIA, Indian authorities have caught a Pakistani agent smuggling fake Indian currency notes via Dubai and Bangkok. The new notes in circulation were printed in 2016 after India’s War on Cash. However, GreatGameIndia investigation exposed that the contract for printing the notes was given to a British Crown firm […]

Coronavirus : India To Investigate Wuhan Institute Of Virology

India To Investigate Wuhan Institute Of Virology

After Indian scientists were forced to withdraw their study concluding Coronavirus was injected with HIV AIDS virus amidst massive online criticism from Social Media experts, now Indian authorities have launched an investigation against China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It (watch here Visualizing The Secret History Of […]

United Nations Hacked & Covered-up – Leaked Report

United Nations Hacked

Sophisticated hackers infiltrated and hacked United Nations networks in Geneva and Vienna last year in an apparent espionage operation that top officials at the world body kept largely quiet. The hackers’ identity and the extent of the data they obtained are not known. Hackers broke into dozens of UN servers starting in July 2019. A […]

The Cyberattack UN Tried To Keep Under Wraps

The cyber attack the UN tried to keep under wraps

The UN did not publicly disclose a major hacking attack into its IT systems in Europe – a decision that potentially put staff, other organisations, and individuals at risk, according to data protection advocates. At a glance: Key findings Hackers broke into dozens of UN servers starting in July 2019. A senior UN IT official […]