Mask Free Sweden Nears Zero Daily Covid Deaths

As the CDC urges Americans to mask up against the Delta variant, Sweden’s chief epidemiologist has argued that more data is needed about the strain’s infectiousness. His mask-free nation is hovering at zero Covid deaths per day.

Are COVID-19 Protocols Based On Science Or Religion?

Coming from the word “quaranta” (which means “forty” in Italian), the idea of confining people for 40 days originated without the authorities really understanding what they wanted to contain. But the measures were one of the first forms of “institutional public health” that helped legitimatize the “accretion of power” by the modern state. This practice had no medical foundation; it was chosen for symbolic and religious reasons. This begs the question – are COVID-19 protocols based on science or religion?

Nursing in a Post-COVID World

Since the Spanish Flu in 1918, there has been no virus quite like the current pandemic. States across the country were dropped into lockdown while health organizations begged people to stay at home to stop the virus from spreading.  The virus has, to date, taken the lives of over 100 nurses that were on the […]