In 1983 Dr Fauci Deceptively Attempted To Link AIDS To Children And Failed

In May 1983, amid the rapidly escalating AIDS crisis, a doctor at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) promoted a stunning theory about the newly encountered disease in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Noting that the same issue of the journal contained an article documenting one of the first cases of the immunodeficiency disease’s appearance in an infant, the author sounded an alarm about “the possibility that routine close contact, as within a family household, can spread the disease.”

How Large Can the iGaming Market Grow in India?

The online gambling industry is on the rise everywhere in the world. However, one particular market that stands out from the crowd is India. The online gaming industry in India is largely driven by smartphones and increased Internet availability. Of course, it helps that Indians love to gamble, resulting in an annual growth rate that’s […]

How Experimental Military Vaccines Killed Millions During 1918 Spanish Flu

History tells us that the Spanish Flu in 1918 killed between 50-100 million people. It was considered as the most horrifying disease by medical and pharmaceutical sources. It is a wartime myth still being perpetuated to coverup the experimental military vaccines which killed millions during the Spanish Flu.

How Russian Intelligence Foiled CIA Military Coup & Assassination Of The President In Belarus

The Russian and Belarusian intelligence  have officially revealed how they foiled CIA backed color revolution and an attempted military coup to topple the Belarusian government as well as the assassination of the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko himself. It was Lukashenko who last year exposed how the World Bank forced sovereign governments to impose strict lockdowns for coronavirus aid.

Vaccine Passports Were Planned Even Before The Pandemic Began

Most of us have heard about ‘Vaccine Passports’ only after the pandemic, when different governments started emphasizing the requirement of ‘Vaccine Passports’ for travelling to other countries or even for going to public places. However, the planning for executing the concept of ‘Vaccine Passports’ began 20 months prior to the outbreak of the pandemic.

How can you determine whether or not to trust an online casino site in 2021

In the advent of remote working, being at home, and in lockdown, we can’t deny the fact that our minds wander, get bored and, of course, wander the dark, dark world of the Web. If you’re a cooking enthusiast, you might have scoured through YouTube, Instagram, and Google for what to bake or cook. For […]

Was Tanzania’s President John Magufuli Assassinated For Exposing COVID-19 Plandemic?

Tanzania’s President John Magufuli has died at a hospital in Dar es Salaam, the country’s vice president announced in a televised address on Wednesday. He was 61. His sudden has raised many questions including whether Tanzania’s President was assassinated for exposing the COVID-19 plandemic by taking controversial action against Big Pharma and the WHO and their global push for vaccines.