Sam Bankman-Fried And The Pandemic Industrial Complex

Sam Bankman-Fried And The Pandemic Industrial Complex

The collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried and his fraudulent cryptocurrency empire at FTX is news at its most entertaining. Who doesn’t love the story of a bigshot billionaire revealed to be an outright fraud? It’s black-and-white. FTX owes billions in debt and doesn’t actually own a dime of the assets it claimed. Game over.

Medical Board Moves To Strip Dr. Peter McCullough Of Certifications

Medical Board Moves To Strip Dr. Peter McCullough Of Certifications

According to the American Board of Internal Medicine, the remarks made by Dr. Peter McCullough may breach the board’s guideline on false or incorrect medical information. Now, the very same medical board is moving to strip Dr. Peter McCullough of his certifications.

Investigation Into Event-201

Investigation Into Event-201

Just weeks prior to the onset of COVID Mania, some of the most maniacal, power hungry forces on the planet got together to war-game a fictional coronavirus outbreak passing from an animal reservoir to humans with “no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year,” warning of a “similar pandemic in the future.”

Moderna CEO — Most People Under 60 Don’t Need A Booster

Moderna CEO Most People Under 60 Don’t Need A Booster

The other week, eligibility was broadened from over-12s to over-5s, with American health officials stating that they, too, should receive vaccinations. However, according to the Moderna CEO, most people under 60 don’t need a booster.

Victoria Nuland’s Stealth Sanctions Against India

Victoria Nuland’s Stealth Sanctions Against India

The visa denial to Indians policy has become a form of collective punishment imposed in retaliation for India not following the Victoria Nuland way on S-400 or Ukraine, a path that is leading to trade disruptions, famine, unrest and a looming repeat of the Great Depression of the 1930s.