PIGS, Politicians, Indian Doctors And Vaccination Programs

PIGS Politicians Indian Doctors And Vaccination Programs

An outbreak of acute necrotizing (ANE) encephalitis has been detected in Kanpur. A GSVM Medical College third-year MBBS student named Pakhi from the city has screened positive for swine flu, but only after an H1N1 infection had been discovered in the third-year medical student at the local GSVM medical college who fell into a coma after contracting acute necrotizing encephalitis.

The Real Anthony Fauci Might Be Most Important Book Of Our Times

The Real Anthony Fauci Might Be Most Important Book Of Our Times

More than one million people have purchased Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Fauci, which quickly became the top-selling non-fiction book in the world. Given that almost all major mainstream news organizations refused to review the book, this sales figure is remarkable.

The Vaccine Spike Wars

The Vaccine Spike Wars

This genocide has been perpetrated by stealth. Data is withheld that would expose the extent of the genocide, leaving researchers to look to other evidence of crimes against humanity.

Masters Of Deceit: The Government’s Propaganda Of Fear, Mind Control & Brain Warfare

Masters Of Deceit The Government’s Propaganda Of Fear Mind Control And Brain Warfare

This is a government that lies, cheats, steals, spies, kills, maims, enslaves, breaks the laws, overreaches its authority, and abuses its power at almost every turn; treats its citizens like faceless statistics and economic units to be bought, sold, bartered, traded, and tracked; and wages wars for profit, jails its own people for profit, and has no qualms about spreading its reign of terror abroad.

Why The World Economic Forum’s Plutocracy Should Be Dissolved

Why The World Economic Forum's Plutocracy Should Be Dissolved

A previous essay highlighted the serious threats posed by the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” to individual liberty, human innovation, and general prosperity. It is important to expand discussion of these threats by examining the inherent dangers to free nations when so much wealth is concentrated in the hands of so few.

The Pandemic Of The Vaccinated Will Only Get Worse

The Pandemic Of The Vaccinated Will Only Get Worse

There has been a profound change in the nature of the COVID pandemic. With over 1 million already declared dead from COVID and more than 500 dying every day in the US and nearly all vaccinated, it is critically important for the public to understand that COVID vaccines that the vast majority of people have taken are the root cause of high death rates.