Why The World Economic Forum’s Plutocracy Should Be Dissolved

Why The World Economic Forum's Plutocracy Should Be Dissolved

A previous essay highlighted the serious threats posed by the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” to individual liberty, human innovation, and general prosperity. It is important to expand discussion of these threats by examining the inherent dangers to free nations when so much wealth is concentrated in the hands of so few.

How COVID Attacks The Brain And How To Reverse Damage

How COVID Attacks The Brain And How To Reverse Damage

In this article, we look at the largest and longest study on the neurological effects of COVID and the underlying reason that COVID-19 harms our nervous system. By addressing the underlying cause, we may be able to change the situation and possibly extend our lives. This is how COVID attacks the brain and how to reverse damage.

The Pandemic Of The Vaccinated Will Only Get Worse

The Pandemic Of The Vaccinated Will Only Get Worse

There has been a profound change in the nature of the COVID pandemic. With over 1 million already declared dead from COVID and more than 500 dying every day in the US and nearly all vaccinated, it is critically important for the public to understand that COVID vaccines that the vast majority of people have taken are the root cause of high death rates.

FDA Refuses To Provide Key COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Analyses

FDA Refuses To Provide Key COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Analyses

In accordance with the operating procedure records, the CDC intended to carry out a different kind of data mining analysis known as Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) mining. Now, the FDA is refusing to provide the key COVID-19 vaccine safety analyses.