Researchers Explore Déjà Vu—And How The Brain Can Sometimes Short-Circuit

Researchers Explore Déjà Vu And How The Brain Can Sometimes Short-Circuit

There are several hypotheses about what causes déjà vu. These range from the paranormal—past lives, alien abduction, and precognitive dreams—to memories generated from non-first-hand experiences. Now, researchers are in the process of exploring déjà vu and how the brain can sometimes short-circuit.

How US Toppled European & Central Asian Governments Using The Almighty Dollar

How US Toppled European And Central Asian Governments Using The Almighty Dollar

Since February, the US and its allies have paid “pseudo-pacifist” individuals in Russia more than four billion rubles ($66 million US), according to Deputy Security Council Secretary Alexander Grebenkin. The extravagant spending conforms within a well-established playbook of meddling used by Washington in Eastern Europe for well over 30 years, so it is nothing new. This is how the US topples European and Central Asian governments using the almighty dollar.