The Poison Train: East Palestine And The Derailment Of Norfolk Southern 32N

The Poison Train East Palestine And The Derailment Of Norfolk Southern 32N

Pam Kline welcomed me through the front door of her home in East Palestine, Ohio, on a wet afternoon when we did not know if it was safe to be in the rain. About a week prior to our meeting, a train derailed in this small slice of the heartland, releasing toxic chemicals into the soil and sky. The house is a well-kept American Foursquare with an enclosed porch filled by the leathery smell of tobacco. She apologized for the odor as I entered the living room where her husband, Lenny, and a friendly Australian shepherd awaited. I told her the smell was pleasant. Even amid a crisis, the Klines were warm and kind.

Fauci Prompted Scientists To Fabricate Evidence To Rule Out Lab Leak

Fauci Prompted Scientists To Fabricate Evidence To Rule Out Lab Leak

Dr. Anthony Fauci – who offshored banned gain-of-function research to make bat coronaviruses more transmissible to humans – has been accused by Congressional investigators (read below) of having ‘prompted’ the fabrication of a paper by a cadre of scientists aimed at disproving the Covid-19 lab-leak theory.

The Attack Of The Subversive Elites

The Attack Of The Subversive Elites

It is tempting, as Naomi Wolf has done recently, to ascribe the breakdown of Western civilization to the debasing of “Judeo-Christian” ethics and the reemergence of malignant supernatural forces. Witnessing the many assaults on the infrastructure and social order of the United States of late, I wouldn’t rule out metaphysical causality either. But to blame the pagan gods, or, in specifically Christian terms, to blame Satan, and not his legions, is to take comfort in an obscured perspective on the current global arrangement. To lay culpability strictly on gaseous, unknowable forces is to let the global elite off the hook.

SARS- CoV-WIV – The Renaming Of SARS-CoV-2

SARS- CoV-WIV - The Renaming Of SARS-CoV-2

Over a year ago, Project Veritas broke an enormous story that never quite made it to the state-sponsored “main stream” media. The story and supporting documents can be found on their website: “Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath”

Is China Spying Via Cargo Cranes

Is China Spying Via Cargo Cranes

U.S. officials are growing concerned that giant Chinese-made cranes operating at American ports across the country, including at several used by the military, could give Beijing a possible spying tool hiding in plain sight.

Fiat Money Has Won The Battle Against Cryptocurrencies, Says BIS Chief

A report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in September 2022, co-authored by BIS Chief Carstens, identifies three shortcomings that preclude cryptocurrencies from serving as a “sound basis for the monetary system,” which shows how fiat money has won the battle against cryptocurrencies.

Congress Prepares To Investigate COVID-19 Vaccines

A committee called the Select Subcommittee has been charged by Congress with thoroughly investigating the COVID-19 pandemic, including the development of vaccines and the subsequent policies and mandates.

Medicare Data Shows The COVID Vaccines Increase Your Risk Of Dying

Medicare Data Shows The COVID Vaccines Increase Your Risk Of Dying

Isn’t it a shame that none of the world’s governments make the vaccination-death records publicly available? My claim is that if they did that, it would end the debate instantly and prove to the world that the vaccines are unsafe. So that’s why they keep it locked up.