The Biggest Fraud In German History Linked To Russian Intelligence

The Biggest Fraud In German History Linked To Russian Intelligence

Late in the spring of 2020, Jan Marsalek, an Austrian bank executive, was suspended from his job. He was a widely admired figure in the European business community—charismatic, trilingual, and well travelled. Even at his busiest, as the chief operating officer of Wirecard, Germany’s fastest-growing financial-technology company, he would assure subordinates who sought a minute of his time that he had one, just for them. “For you, always,” he used to say. But he would say that to almost everyone.

Blackstone Defaults On $562 Million Bonds

Blackstone Defaults On $562 Million Bonds

This morning Bloomberg reports that Wall Street’s largest commercial real estate landlord, private equity giant Blackstone, has defaulted on a €531 million ($562 million) bond backed by a portfolio of offices and stores owned by Sponda Oy, a Finnish landlord it acquired in 2018.

Elon Musk’s Neuralink Testing In Humans Rejected By FDA

Elon Musk's Neuralink Testing In Humans Rejected By FDA

On at least four occasions since 2019, Elon Musk has predicted that his medical device company, Neuralink, would soon start human trials of a revolutionary brain implant to treat intractable conditions such as paralysis and blindness.

Power Shortages Coming Soon to America

Power Shortages Coming Soon to America

Existing power plants are projected to retire at a faster pace than installations of new units, and dependence on renewable projects are threatening widespread power shortages, according to a new report by regional power transmission company PJM Interconnection.

Why Are People Afraid Of ‘15-Minute Cities’?

Why Are People Afraid Of 15-Minute Cities

In an effort to make towns more user- and eco-friendly, urban planners have unveiled the ’15-minute city,’ which hopes to keep residents close to home to battle climate change. But will this plan open the door to greater restrictions?

The World Economic Forum’s ‘AI Enslavement’ Is Coming For YOU!

The World Economic Forum's AI Enslavement Is Coming For YOU

When Sir Thomas More wrote his socio-political satire about a fictional island society in the New World, he gave it the fabricated name, Utopia, derived from simple Greek and meaning, “no-place.” Although More was humorously telling his audience that his idealized community existed nowhere, centuries of central planners chasing the fantasy of utopian societies have failed to get the joke. Worse, for every peaceful religious community seeking separation from modern civilization, there is a power-hungry tyrant seeking to impose his will upon everyone else.

Would You Eat Vaccinated Chicken?

Would You Eat Vaccinated Chicken

The UK government is actively considering vaccinating the country’s poultry flock against bird flu in a bid to curb the worst-ever global outbreak of the virus and prevent it turning into a new pandemic in humans.